Saturday, June 9, 2012

final painting

Final painting for class. This canvas won't even fit in my car...

One and a half weeks of school left! And then I'll be done with high school!


  1. Hi Shana! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. Yeah, blogging has definitely taken a back seat at the moment as I've had loads of exams! 15 down, 3 more to go :-)

    And yes, that sounds like a brilliant idea! I've always wanted a pen pal too, but never really broached the subject as it's difficult to reliably find someone who would want to write to me too! It definitely sounds like a really good idea, especially since we both seem to have similar interests, so thank you for suggesting it! :-)

    So, what is your email address? Please post it in a comment on my blog again so I can see it in my notifications and I'll try and send you an email ASAP. I will have much more free time after my exams have finished (22nd June), just to give you a time frame on when I'll be able to reply.

    Speak soon!
    Chloe xxx

  2. And in my haste to reply to you about becoming pen pals, I forgot to comment on this post! Love the painting (as per usual) and wow, only one and a half week left?! What a massive milestone, when do you find out about which college you'll be going to? Hope your final exams have gone well, etc!

    Chloe xxx

  3. Such a lovely painting! & I just graduated high school 2 weeks ago, so happy to be done :)

    Stop by sometime, Natalie xo
