Tuesday, September 8, 2009

school ):

I probably won't be posting very often since school's started. The homework load is unbelievable... maybe I'll post some doodles from class? Haha, let's hope not. I don't want my art life dying on me again.



  1. ah i know right!
    my bag is like killing my shoulder and i am so tired from all the work and GCSE options and stuff :(
    oh and markets and places in london are good for vintage bags and stuff.
    and i bet your art life is packed seeing as you're so talented!xx

  2. Ah thank you so much - I really appreciate it as I really like drawing haha. :)
    And I sooo know what you mean, school is killing me and I haven't even been back for a week! :(!

  3. ME TOO. haha

    its okay.. i look forward to whatever you have :DD

